TypeScript Basics: Variables, Data Types, and Functions

Are you ready to take your programming skills to the next level? Do you want to learn a language that combines the best of both worlds: the dynamic nature of JavaScript and the static type-checking of a language like Java or C#? If your answer is yes, then look no further than TypeScript!

TypeScript is a popular open-source language that builds on top of JavaScript by adding features like type annotations, classes, interfaces, and much more. In this article, we'll explore some of the basics of TypeScript, including variables, data types, and functions.

Variables in TypeScript

Just like in JavaScript, a variable in TypeScript is a named location in memory that holds a value. However, in TypeScript, you can also specify the type of the variable using a colon and then the type name. For example:

let message: string = 'Hello, TypeScript!';
let count: number = 42;
let isDone: boolean = false;

In the above code, we declare three variables: message, count, and isDone. We also specify their types: string, number, and boolean, respectively. This means that TypeScript will check at compile-time whether we are using the variables correctly. For example, if we try to assign a number to the message variable, TypeScript will raise an error.

TypeScript also supports some more advanced types, such as arrays and tuples. An array is a collection of values of the same type, while a tuple is a collection of values of different types. Here's an example of how to declare and use them:

let names: string[] = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'];
let tuple: [string, number] = ['Alice', 42];

In the first line, we declare an array of strings, names. In the second line, we declare a tuple that contains a string and a number. We can access the elements of the tuple using indexing, just like with arrays:

console.log(tuple[0]); // Output: "Alice"
console.log(tuple[1]); // Output: 42

Data Types in TypeScript

TypeScript supports many data types, including string, number, boolean, any, void, null, and undefined. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


A string is a sequence of characters, enclosed in single or double quotes. Here's an example:

let message: string = 'Hello, TypeScript!';


A number can be an integer or a floating-point value. Here's an example:

let count: number = 42;
let temperature: number = 98.6;


A boolean can be either true or false. Here's an example:

let isDone: boolean = false;


The any type is a special type that can be used to opt-out of type-checking. If a variable is assigned the type any, TypeScript will allow any value to be assigned to it without raising an error. Here's an example:

let data: any = 'Hello, TypeScript!';
data = 42; // No error raised


The void type represents the absence of a value. Functions that do not return a value have a return type of void. Here's an example:

function showMessage(): void {
    console.log('Hello, TypeScript!');

showMessage(); // Output: "Hello, TypeScript!"

Null and Undefined

The null and undefined types are used to represent a missing or undefined value. Here's an example:

let foo: null = null;
let bar: undefined = undefined;

Functions in TypeScript

Functions are an essential part of any programming language, and TypeScript is no exception. In TypeScript, you can specify the type of the function arguments and return value, which helps catch bugs early.

Here's an example of how to declare and call a function in TypeScript:

function add(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

let result = add(1, 2);
console.log(result); // Output: 3

In the above code, we declare a function add that takes two arguments of type number and returns a value of type number. We then call the function and store the result in a variable result, which we then log to the console.

You can also specify optional and default parameters for functions. Optional parameters are denoted by a question mark after the parameter name, while default parameters are denoted by an equal sign and the default value. Here's an example:

function greet(name: string, greeting?: string): void {
    if (greeting) {
        console.log(`${greeting}, ${name}!`);
    } else {
        console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

greet('Alice'); // Output: "Hello, Alice!"
greet('Bob', 'Good morning'); // Output: "Good morning, Bob!"

In the above code, we declare a function greet that takes two parameters: name, which is required, and greeting, which is optional. If greeting is provided, we use it to construct the greeting message; otherwise, we use the default greeting "Hello".


TypeScript is a powerful language that brings many benefits to JavaScript, including type-checking, interfaces, classes, and much more. In this article, we've covered some of the basics of TypeScript, including variables, data types, and functions.

By using TypeScript, you can catch bugs earlier, write more maintainable and scalable code, and enjoy the benefits of a modern programming language. So what are you waiting for? Start learning TypeScript today and take your programming skills to the next level!

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